Friday, December 20, 2013

A Shop Update

I'm nearing the end of my 6 month experiment with my Etsy shop and I'm just as excited about it as I was back then! I want to continue with my experiment and expand my product line to include scarves for the winter. In the spring, I'm hoping to launch a new fun project that I'm currently working on - to be shared soon!

This Thanksgiving, I had a chance to break away from routine and think more deeply about my business and its future. It was exciting to consider new possibilities and options. I read Handmade To Sell which gave me lots to think about and even my mom got excited about the idea of helping me out if orders ever get too much. She's teaching herself how to crochet and knit, just in case. :)

I decided two big things during that week:

1. I'm going to change my shop's name. 

The Scrapperie is a cute name and I love it, especially the "-erie" at the end. But, it's a little confusing. It sounds too much like a scrapbooking place and after doing some Googling, realized that it is actually a scrapbooking business. So, I'm looking into new options. I'll keep you posted.

2. Increased prices. 
In order to keep my business sustainable, it had to happen. After reading Handmade To Sell, I realized that my prices were currently making me lose money. If I want this to grow, that just can't happen. I was so nervous doing it, but I felt good about it afterwards. It made me feel more like a business woman and more serious about my work.

I have fun and exciting projects on the horizon for January too. Next month, I've got three goals:

1. Ask my husband to help me take better photos of scarves, then list them! (The one above is the only good one from my selfie photo shoot.)
2. Finish making final scarf design, then list.
3. Continue experimenting with a new project.

I'm making progress and blogging about it is helping me see that more clearly. It's not as exciting or glamorous as I thought, but I love it.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Five Gratefuls

"When I give thanks for the seemingly microscopic, I make a place for God to grow within me." - Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts 

It's a season of being thankful so it makes sense to start photographically commemorating my gratitude. 

And yet, I want to make sure that I'm not only grateful during November. I'm so much happier this time of a year and I think it's because I consciously slow down and enjoy the season, soak in time with family and don't mind if people judge me for jamming to Christmas music. Sure, there are cozy sweaters and hot chocolate involved too but I don't need those to be grateful year-round. 

And so for this week, here is what I'm thankful for each day, even the small things because that's where life and beauty are found, right? 

God, may I be a more grateful person always. Not just this time of year. 

monday // hair

tuesday // my messy but comfortable bed

wednesday // sun after rainy days

thursday // a refreshing face wash on a sunny morning 

friday // this man {my husband} 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Celebrate Children 5k Update #2

It's a rainy fall day, dark and overcast. And I've been itching to blog for a long time. I've had so many projects, Etsy orders and work assignments that I haven't had a break in quite some time. But today, today is a day to write!

So much has happened since my last 5k update and our first meeting. Our committee has grown from five women to eight. We've surpassed our goal of $1,500 donated in corporate sponsorship money. We have a Compassion graduate who once suffered from a lack of clean water coming to the race. Exciting things are coming down the pike. And some amazing stories have come out of our two months of planning that I hope to tell later.

And, yet. 

Yet, the dark night of the soul keeps pushing in. That point in which the dream is no longer as exciting. When I start to wonder if I've got the energy to see this thing through, even though we're not even half-way there. I look at the work and the challenges to overcome and I can't help but be weighed down. Not knowing if we'll keep getting rejections from businesses or if runners will even show up on race day. Not knowing what to expect as we market or register or network.

But, God. 

Last night, I was on a webinar panel for Compassion discussing the process of starting the 5k race. At the end, the organizer asked all of us panelists what we wish someone had said to us at the beginning of our projects. I was speaking more to myself than to the audience when I talked about how Satan wants nothing more than for these children to suffer horrible diseases - to even die. Of course, obstacles will be flung my way. It shouldn't surprise me that I feel like this is an endless cycle of tasks. What we are doing is worth something. And if I have to suffer in a pile of rejection emails and unstuffed goodie bags for children to be safe, then so be it. So be it.

My job is to be faithful to God, through the dark night of the soul and the bright sunshine of success. Wouldn't that scare our enemy the most? To see someone discouraged and frustrated to just keep going? To keep marching forward, not understanding why such struggle is before them and trust God to find a way? Perhaps that's real courage.

I don't know, friends. I'm still learning. But all I know is that I'm just going to keep on marching, keep on planning, keep on hitting obstacles and praying for a way around them, trusting that God is bigger.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Inscription Ministries


I'm so excited to announce a new project of which I'm a part. One of my close friends (and longest friend - known each other since 7th grade!) has long had a vision to help other women. She's done this in a variety of ways throughout the years, but today, one of her dreams took flight  with the very first post of Inscription Ministries, a blog designed to encourage and challenge women in their faith. I'm honored to not only be a contributor, but to also kick things off with the very first post!

With wisdom from a number of different women with different backgrounds and current life stages, we pray that this blog serves to encourage and inspire women wherever they are! For the next few weeks, we'll be talking about friendship, what it means to us, stories of being a friend or receiving the comforts of friendship. I hope you'll check it out and may it be a blessing to you!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Compassion 5k run update #1

On Thursday last week, crazy things happened. They might not have been things worthy of a book, a newspaper article, or even something you would tell a friend. 

But for me, they were wild, out of control, make me smile from deep within things that pound my heart.

I met with our 5k planning committee. It wasn't even the full committee. Only half could make it but we started setting the ball into motion. 

This idea that I had to help build a well is actually happening. 

We have a name. 

We have a date. 

We have a location. 

We have a strategy. 

Already, God is teaching me lessons. 

I saw on Thursday how powerful working as a team can be. These women have ideas that I would have never thought of. They have creativity that goes in directions that mine doesn't. 

I'm also learning that many times, people want to help. They just don't want to start things.  I love starting things. It means that I can dream big ideas. But, I often have trouble implementing and following through on my dreams. Having a team forces me to keep going and even, to give the dream that extra oomph to make it grow.

Before, I was hesitant to even work with a team. It could mean that "my" dream morphs into something that I don't want. Or I'll have to make compromises. 

And maybe those things are true and they might happen. I don't know. 

But what I do know is that dreams and life, really, aren't meant to be done alone. We need each other to make them happen, to feel alive and productive. 

I would have never learned that if I had stayed curled up with just a dream and a notebook. 

As soon as we are officially in the books with the city, I'll let you guys in on the name, date, and even our logo. It's so dang amazing!!

Thanks for following along. I'm learning so much already and I will definitely keep you guys posted! ;) 

Has anyone else seen the value of a team before in their lives? Has it ever scared you to work with a team? Or am I just crazy?

Monday, August 19, 2013

my work space

Well, this might very well be one of the scariest posts I'll ever put here. I do love my work space, but it's definitely not as pretty as other people's. I had to clean it up and there are pockets of clutter hidden away from the camera. But, just as I want to get to know y'all, I want for y'all to get to know me!

I work from home here in this little space. I'm the editor of a small community magazine in our town and I truly love the job. I get to meet so many interesting people and I get to work from home, which allows me to pursue other creative outlets, like crocheting and blogging.

My husband is a youth pastor, so in addition to all this, I also spend a good portion of my time with teenage girls, loving them and encouraging them the best that I can.

So what about you? Tell me about yourself and your work space! I'd love to hear all about it. :) 

Friday, August 16, 2013

El Salvador

For the past few days, I've been following Hayley from the Tiny Twig on her adventure to Ethiopia. She traveled with the good folks from fashionABLE to see their work overseas. It was moving to hear the stories of pain, to see the pictures of poverty, to peek into her own thoughts on her journey.

Reading her posts reminded me of my time in El Salvador, especially the challenge of a language barrier. Despite my several years of Spanish class, I still hesitated to understand or even try to communicate with any of the people there. It was easy to use our translators as a crutch and stick to the back of the huddle to avoid having an awkward conversation.

I finally decided on one of our last days there to step out anyway and try to initiate a conversation. A beautiful woman walked by and I pointed to the ice cream cart to get her attention. We were handing out free ice cream to any one who walked by. She smiled and put down the basket on her head.

We had a small conversation, largely taken up with the time it took to translate our words. It wasn't life-changing. She was a Christian who regularly attended church and had a strong faith because of an accident that happened to her son. I told her that I would pray for her and she said that she hoped I would. With that, she picked up her basket, ice cream cone still in hand, and walked away.

Despite the fact that nothing magical happened in our conversation, it'll be hard to forget her. I was able to put a face and name to poverty. It makes it more heart-wrenching when you know a person in true poverty. It has a family and a history now. 

Hayley's post also excited me. I love what fashionABLE is doing. Products purchased through fashionABLE are made by Ethiopians and they are given a fair, honest wage. Women are given hope, dignity, and respect, which gives them the opportunity to permanently break the poverty cycle for not only themselves, but their children too.

And we get to be a part of it.

I love, love, love this model. It's life-giving, creative, and hopeful. That even you and me here in the comforts of our very own home can give a woman somewhere overseas dignity and a hug, even if we may never meet them on this side of heaven.

This business model is one of the reasons why I picked up a crochet hook and started crocheting. Not only do I love the craft, but I know that I can help even in this small way - to give safe drinking water through Compassion.

I love what fashionABLE is doing and reading Hayley's process. It's giving me the itch to go back to El Salvador and to even dream big. That maybe someday we could establish something similar to fashionABLE in El Salvador.

If you haven't read Hayley's post yet, go read it! 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

a guest post on Being Made Beautiful

Hello friends! I'm taking a break posting from here for today. I'm over at Being Made Beautiful writing about waiting and living in between the big moments of life. You can read more on my thoughts if you'd like over on Rachel's blog. And stick around after the post - she posts gorgeous photos of her lovely children, home, and life. I love just looking through it and I know you will too! :) Enjoy and I'll see you on Friday!

Monday, August 12, 2013

A Sweat- Shop Free Outfit {a summer outfit}

I think that it's about time that I do another sweat-shop free outfit post! This is a summer outfit because I'm basically melting in this 100+ degree weather. Thank you, Texas. You've proven how hot you can be. Is it really necessary to keep doing this?

Anywho, here are a few sweat-shop free goods for your viewing pleasure. It has a very bohemian feel to it. Make sure you check out these fine establishments. They're changing the world and we can be a part of it!!

iPad cover :: Fikire by fashionABLE

Friday, August 9, 2013

growing guts


Does anyone else have as much trouble with fleshing out creative ideas as much as me?!

What happens to me is I'll get an idea. It's an idea that I'm certain will make the world flip inside out. I mull it over, think about it, strategize, become consumed by it...for a day or two. Then, at the very hint of an obstacle, I abandon the idea and think it was stupid. And then it's onto the next idea.

I realize that part of this is the brainstorming process. But when this happens for every idea, it becomes counter-productive.

The other night, I had a bit of a mental break down. And when I say "mental breakdown", I actually mean a pity party. I bemoaned frustrations and struggles in my life, you know, the usual run of the mill pity party stuff.

My husband, the sweet man that he is, gently and calmly got in my face. I had an idea to start a 5k race to benefit Compassion International. Our town loves 5k races and the income generated is often high. I had a vision of starting a 5k race and using the money to help build a well in El Salvador. I talked about it for a week or two, but then the excitement started to die down. I knew that it would be work. It would mean potential rejection from businesses for corporate sponsorships. It meant potential difficult runners. It meant a risk. And I didn't want the risk. I wanted to stay in my safe bubble where I could dream and not do.

My husband graciously told me to get my rear in gear. It's easy to complain about "not knowing what God wants me to do" instead of walking and trusting. Dreaming is easy. Trust is hard. Doing is hard.

But that's been my challenge in 2013. My two word motto for this year was to "make mistakes." I wanted to do, to move, to be active. And it's a struggle - more than I thought that it would be. Without realizing it, I was being stagnant.

The next day after my pity party, I decided to take a few small steps and asked two more people to join the team to make the 5k happen. I emailed Compassion. And you know what happened? Beautiful things.

The two people were overjoyed at the idea that I would ask them to help. Compassion emailed me back within the next few hours with a 70+ page document on how to specifically plan a 5k race. And now, we've got our first planning meeting on the books with my five person planning committee.

Holy guacamole, ladies. God is crazy. Over and over again in this season of my life, I'm finding how much I dream and then, crazy enough, how much I complain that the dream doesn't magically grow legs and sprint from my brain into reality. That takes time and it takes guts. I'm growing guts, I promise. Just takes a little bit longer than I'd like.

What about you, friends? Do you feel this way too or am I just crazy?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

diy cell phone cozy for your car!

Back in the day, one of my best friends from high school had a fantastic little contraption in her car that I just loved. It was a cute little sock that she cut in half and fastened with a small hook on the console of her car. She put her phone in it, which not only made her car cute, but it was also super easy for her to change the current song playing, turn it off, etc. I loved it and recently decided that I would make my own. Except instead of a sock, I crocheted one!

To make this little guy, I used...

- gray Martha Stewart medium wool blend yarn
- baker's white Martha Stewart medium wool blend yarn
- Hook K (6.5 mm)
- my iPhone 4S

sc = single crochet
dc = double crochet
ch = chain
sl st = slip stitch

If you are just now learning how to crochet, check out the PurlBee's helpful tutorial or YouTube it! 

(If you are making this for a phone that is different than the 4S, please make adjustments accordingly!)

1. Crochet 12 stitches in gray (or your bottom color).

 2. Sc in each ch across. Ch 1. Sc in each sc. Ch 1. Repeat for 15 rows total until you get the above picture!

3. When you have 15 rows (or the right size for your phone to fit snugly), press each side together. Use a yarn needle to sew the ends together. That's it for the bottom piece!

4. Using baker's white yarn (or your top color), ch 6.
5. Sc in each ch. Ch 2.
6. Dc in each sc. Ch 1.
7. Repeat steps 6 and 7 in order to create 19 rows. 

8. Just like with the bottom gray piece, use a yarn needle (or sl st) to connect the two together to create a wide loop.

9. You'll now have two pieces that need to be put together. You can either use a yarn needle, like above, or sl st the pieces together. Initially, I tried the yarn needle and did not like the look it created (but I did like the picture I took of it!). Sl st ended up giving it a little more of a clean look.

10. Should you chose to sl st it, this is what it will look like. You'll need to flip it inside out to hide the seam around the gray and white parts and on the side of the gray and white! 

11. And ta-da! Now all you need to do is secure a small hook (you can find a 3M hook or something of the sort at Target or Walmart) on your car console where it is easy to access. And hook it on!


Monday, August 5, 2013

a baby, a wedding, and a lake house.

This past weekend, my husband and I jumped in the car to visit some family and go to a wedding. It was supposed to be an easy trip to simply move my in-laws, go out to eat with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law who would be having their baby in 2 weeks, and get all fancy for this wedding.

Of course, as with all adventures, things didn't go as planned. 

It's 4:00 a.m. and all I could really understand was that someone was talking and I was sitting up straight in the bed. After a few minutes of coming to, I realized that my sister-in-law was in labor. Yup, in labor. Maybe it was the Mexican food she ate when we went out or my little nephew is extremely polite and knew that this would be the perfect timing for us to get to meet him in person. Either way, little Ryan came! All 7 lbs, 7 ounces of him. Just a sweet little bundle of joy.

Needless to say, though, that our relaxing weekend became chaos.

4 hours of sleep
8 hours in the hospital
10 hours of moving my in-laws and the wedding

Of course, there was something wrong in the kitchen at the wedding and it took them three hours to get our food out. I did my best to smile and create engaging conversation without going into the corner and curling up for a little nap. The wedding was gorgeous and I'm so glad we could go, but you know? A girl gets tired.

It all helped, though, having not only a cute new family member, but also my in-laws' gorgeous new lake house. We are so excited for them to be living in their dream home - and that we get to come visit. ;)

So, that was my weekend in a nutshell.

How was your weekend?! 

Friday, July 26, 2013

happies 'round the web

I decided to take a break today from articles around the web and found some lovely happies to bring a little cheer to your Friday. Enjoy! 

envelopes :: I'm already married, but these wedding envelopes with the fantastic insiders are gorgeous. I'm pretty sure that I could find other ways to make this happen.

 greeting card :: Genevieve Santos is easily one of my most favorite artists ever. I'm about to fill my house with her work.

journal :: I love all of em-dash's journals. This is so happy. I would be so inspired every time I opened it up!

stationery :: I'm not entirely sure if it's possible to go wrong buying anything from the Rifle Paper Company.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

books I want to read

I would like to take this opportunity to admit that I'm a book worm. If I could live in the creases of a novel, I would. I've long been an advocate of building apartments on top of a Barnes & Noble or Half-Price. I would live there - in a heartbeat.

My goal this year was to read 36 books. I'm rather behind on that goal. Life happens. I'm currently 5 books behind, but perhaps I'll be able to squeeze in these books below this year. A majority of them have to do with art, creativity, ideas, and productivity. But I am venturing out with a little fiction in there too!

Do you have any recommendations of what I should add to my reading list??

Monday, July 22, 2013

art is work.

Have you ever felt frustrated?

I mean like seriously frustrated?

Like you could throw your computer out the window or rip apart leather with your bare hands or smash something against the wall? (I promise I'm not a violent person...)

Maybe a fantastic project isn't working out or your great idea might not be all that great anymore. Maybe you've encountered problems that seem insurmountable or even dangerous.

I found myself there just yesterday. I hope that I'm not the only one who has sat on their couch crying their eyes out because their friend from high school's Instagram feed is a whole lot prettier and more creative than yours. (Can I get an amen? I'm just going to pretend that all of you reading this are nodding your head in agreement.)

But, here's truth: Art is work. Keep going. 

Ask any "creative" and they've been there too. Anyone trying to do anything of value encounters this. Art is messy and art is slow.

I was reading "Imagine" by Jonah Lehrer and this statement from one of the artists he interviewed hit me hard: 

"There is no such thing as creative types....Art is work."

I think that I always believed that art was magical. That if I just was in the right place at the right time, it would hit me. My great idea, my genius invention would just come. That I had to do no work, no thinking, no planning.


Art is work. There is planning and failing and frustration and loss and successes and experimenting.

Art and work are tied so closely together that ignoring the connection would be ridiculous. 

Right now, I'm working on this 6 month experiment and staring at strings and leather and yarn and wondering what the heck I'm doing. Last night, I even broke down for the 18th billion time about what I'm doing with my life and how I even fit in as a creative living in the suburbs.

But, over and over again, I tell myself (and my husband sweetly reminds me): I'm working. I'm working on art, dang it. And it's not pretty and it's not fast and it's not always magical. But, it's worth it. It's worth the sweat, the extra trips to the craft store, the late nights. It's worth it.

I truly want to change the world. I truly want to help eliminate poverty through creativity. The only way that I can do that is to get to work.

Do you ever feel this way? Do you agree or disagree that art is work?

Friday, July 19, 2013

some happies 'round the web

It's been a crazy week, but still productive.  I'm closing it off with a bang this Friday with a nice 2 mile jog/walk and paying quarterly sales tax (yay.) How are you ending your week?

Here are a few highlights from the Internet from this past week. Enjoy!

A little female empowerment... (I haven't looked at the rest of this site, so I don't necessarily endorse the site, just the article! :) )

Do small things..and be okay with it.

This learning by giving class recommended by my friend Ginger sounds amazing. Even though the deadline is past, maybe I can hit it up if they have another one?

Have a happy weekend! Mine will consist of pulling weeds and finally finishing decorating our entry way. Are you doing anything fun?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

i wrote a book! {and other news}

After a year of writing, editing and a healthy dose of blood, sweat, and tears, I finally released a girl's devotional book for the teenagers in our youth group.

This November will mark my four year anniversary with our youth group and in this time, I've found that a lot of these girls want to know how to love God and to love other people well. So, I divided the book into two parts to talk about those two things. It's a 30 day devotional, so you can walk through it in a month. (And no, that is not my ear or braid on the front cover!)

My wee little book truly only scratches the surface, but it's a start. Even though I wrote it with teenage girls in mind, I think it could be helpful for all of us. It is based on the Bible after all. ;)

Click on the link below or right click to download it.

Download it here 


In other news, I've been slightly absent from the blog because of several things. Mainly, I got a horrible bacterial infection (a cold gone bad) and youth camp for a whole week. We had a great time, but I'm ready to get back into a routine!

So, I'll be back with more blog posts soon!! Hope you all are doing wonderfully. :)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

social justice around the web

Need some inspiration to make it through the rest of this week? Well, look no further!

Want to be inspired by examples of women doing things? You may not agree with all of them, but it's still an interesting read. My favorite is #4, Malala Yousafzai. So incredible.

50 Women Who are Changing The World by Business Insider

Want to cry...and be inspired? Because that's definitely what happened to me when I read this post. I re-tweeted this article last week but it deserves a mention in the blog too.

A Boy & His Nanny by Shaun Groves

Want to hear some interesting thoughts on the marketplace + social justice? I haven't listened to the entirety of this talk yet, but seems interesting!

Marketplace As Social Justice by Anthony Bradley

Want to be intrigued by this great film company? I stumbled upon this article in Christianity Today and loved the concept and idea. I hope to someday build a business big enough that I can employ homeless or refugees, just like this film company. My favorite line in this article: "We tell our guys, 'Look, the bottom line is that we need to run a company. So if you can't cut it as an employee, there are plenty of nonprofit programs that will babysit you,' " Staub, 29, says. "That may seem harsh, but if I start looking at you like you can't be the best, I'm not giving you full human dignity.

Making Films With, Not About, The Homeless in Christianity Today 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

a 6 month experiment

So, I did something crazy. Something was stirring in my creative soul and I couldn't shut it up.

Derek, my husband, was gone for a week so I had a lot of free time to think, brainstorm/brainvent, pray, dream. From that week, I received a lot of clarity that it was time to start moving in another direction. For nearly two years, I've had a photography business and I've truly loved it. But I'm coming to a point in my business in which I need to decide if I truly want to take it to the next level. Each time that I think about that, however, I shudder - not from fear, but from sheer disgust. I don't want to take it to the next level. I could keep it the way that it is, but something doesn't feel quite right about that either.

So in comes my 6 month experiment. During my brainstorming week, I decided that I would take a brief hiatus from photography. I'll still take clients should they stumble my way, but I won't be actively pursuing them anymore. Instead, I'll be focusing seriously on this project: The Scrapperie. It will be two-fold: this blog and my Etsy shop.

The blog and the shop will be an opportunity to support and discuss an issue about which I'm passionate: creativity on a mission. I love talking about social businesses in which a portion of the profits benefit those in need (think Tom's or Warby Parker). Consumer dollars can go towards more than just profits. We can change the world through our purchases. Just think about it - lives can be changed because of what you bought yourself or a friend!

I started The Scrapperie shop almost two years ago, selling random crafting supplies. It did alright, but I wasn't passionate about it. This time around, I'll be selling crocheted bracelets - with a twist. For each bracelet, a person in Ethiopia will get safe drinking water for life. For every two bracelets purchased, a whole family will get water. The money will go towards Compassion International and their effort to build a well in a village in Ethiopia. The shop isn't up yet, but it will be soon.

Today, I hashed out the details of this experiment. It will last until January 12, 2014, when I will evaluate if this is a good experiment. I wrote out five criteria to determine how success will be defined. I'm excited and nervous.

You may notice that there are several blog posts that have already been posted. Almost all of them were on my photography blog (, but I felt that I needed to move them; they felt out of place.

So, I hope that you'll join me in this experiment. Let me know if you're a business that splits profits with a charity; I would love to talk with, feature you, collaborate with you. Never be shy to hit that comment button. I will always reply!

Here's to adventures!! 

5 basic purchases to feel good about

How awesome would be if for every purchase you made, you were helping someone in need?

I mean, dang. That'd be fantastic.

Maybe someday we can get there. But for now, here are five basic necessities to get us started:

Toothbrush - Smile Squared

Image courtesy of SmileSquared

I blogged about this company a few months ago and still love their mission. Their motto is: "We believe even small, everyday products, like toothbrushes, can have a big impact on the world." One toothbrush means a toothbrush to someone in need for a healthier mouth.

$5.95 // one toothbrush

Socks - Mitscoots

Image courtesy of Mitscoots

In the winter, one of my most favorite things to do is to throw on a nice pair of socks and cuddle up under a warm blanket. And this winter, I think I'll need to grab some of these guys.

Image courtesy of Mitscoots

In addition to giving away a pair for every pair purchased, Mitscoots also employs the homeless to package up the socks. It's a win, win, win for everyone.

Women's Argyle Socks // $14

Water Bottle - Project 7

Image courtesy of Project 7

Stay hydrated and save a life! The great thing about Project 7 is that their products are located in retail stores, including Walmart. So you can pick up a pack of Project 7 gum or water bottles pretty much anywhere and proceeds go to a number of worthy causes: feeding people and saving the planet are just a few.

Snack Bar - 2 Degrees

Image courtesy of Two Degrees

I've been trying to be a lot more healthy lately and have been investigating healthy snack bars. So, naturally, I got a little excited when I found 2 Degrees. Nutritious bars for me, a healthy meal for someone in need.

Image courtesy of Two Degrees

Chocolate Peanut Bars - 9 bars // $17.95

Soap - SoapBox Soaps

Image courtesy of Soapbox Soaps

I can smell the freshness from here. It might not be something that you always think that people need, but soap allows good hygiene and good hygiene means fewer diseases, sicknesses, and illness.  You being squeaky clean means someone is healthy too.

Image courtesy of SoapBox Soaps
Lemongrass Bar Soap // $4.99